Look What's Happening In School...

Taken from NST.com.my
(Go to link there's a picture of the scratch mark on the boy's face)
Teacher scratched my son, alleges father


KANGAR: "First, it was ketuk ketampi (squats), then, it was the words anak kamu malas (your son is lazy) written in his exercise book.
"Last week, he came home with a deep scratch on his cheek," said Zakaria Kasa, the father of Year One pupil Zaidi Putra.

Zakaria, 39, claimed his youngest sonwas scratched on his cheek by his English teacher, in her 50s.

"It happened last week but the mark on his cheek is still raw. My son called me to come to his school and when I arrived there at 8.40am, he was crying.

"At first, he did not inform me about how he got the scratch. Then, about 2pm when I went to the school again to send him some food, I saw him crying again.

"It was then that he told me the teacher scratched his cheek for not completing his homework."
Zakaria claimed he confronted the teacher but she denied scratching the boy.

He sent his son to Tuanku Fauziah Hospital before lodging a report at the Simpang Empat police station the same day and also informed the state Education Department.

On Monday, he said the school headmaster called him to apologise.

Kangar district police chief Superintendent Abdul Rahman Mohd Noordin said police had recorded statements from the headmaster and several pupils.


Another one! Don't mean to announce it like that, but look, another teacher physically hurting a student? A month back there's another incident like this. Look down below...

Taken from NST.com.my

Teacher hits female student over question on perfume


KULIM, Mon -- A female student was allegedly struck on the head by a male teacher at Sekolah Menengah Lubuk Buntar here yesterday for asking him whether he was using a perfume.
Nurasyira Zakaria, 13, who was treated for swelling on her head at the Parit Buntar Hospital, lodged a report at the Bandar Baharu police district headquarters here last night.

"It started when the teacher asked who among us was using a perfume while writing on the blackboard. Nobody admitted using it.

"I then asked the teacher whether he was using one. He took offence and struck me on my head with his hand and a book," she told Bernama when met at her house at Kampung Bukit Tok Gula near here today.

Nurasyira, a form one student, said she complained to her father, Zakaria Mamat, 50, about the incident when she reached home at 3pm. - Bernama


This is what I understand. The boy was scratched when he did not finished his homework. The girl was hit on the head because she questioned her teacher about perfume. Which part of these two articles shows that these students deserves these kind of punishments? 

So yeah, whats happening to teachers nowadays? They are supposed to be role models, educators who at least have diploma in teaching, so why on earth do they result into something like this? Yes, the students made mistakes by not completing their homework or simply making too much noise in class, but why result to this kind of punishment? 


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