Earthquake in S.California


read the status. found that on myspace this early morning and i thought my friend was kidding.

Morning sunshine! Here I am reporting not live at all about earthquake just happened in Tijuana, Mexico earlier this morning (3.40PM PDT hello!!)

The earthquake was magnitude 7.2 and it is to believe the most strongest earthquake to hit on Southern California in more than a decade and also managed to give a big shock to ten millions people in two countries and three states on Sunday, swaying buildings from Los Angeles to Phoenix to Las Vegas.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, three aftershocks of magnitudes 5.1, 4.5 and 4.3 followed within the hour.

More info can be found here baby.

So yeaaaah, I guess it's true. This is the strongest earthquake ever as I believe Phoenix locates in Arizona and while in San Diego, windows shattered and power outrages were rare.


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