so, since cecilia suggested that (post some ads up)
here goes more print ads!
i suppose you get what it meant for the ads above...
if you don't look at the woman in the and you'll know
i dont think this needs anymore explainations
and this is the ads that i really like it...
simple yet's CD cases for you information~
pretty cool huh
and since i am doing "women portrayal in alcohol ads" for research paper
this is one of the beer ads i found
another random thing...
i was thinking...isn't it good to have a chatbox on the side bar? so that people can chat around there? well, it's just a little suggestion :D
i wish theres a "like" icon for the first ads.. so cute!! XD.. but the second one i dun reli get it..nice ads btw! hoho
eh no i meant the third one.. the cd cases .. =p
it actually means...a small pendrive can insert billions...okay maybe not that great...hundrends or even thousands of songs in... think in the way that it's music it means you can insert lots of songs in :D...thats what i elaborate :D
OHHH.... wow.. ok.. i keep thinking its pendrive and not MP3..aiseh.. so slow me.. =p
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