Awesome 3-some Live in Malaysia
Special guesss TOKIO HOTEL

I got free tickets to TOKIO HOTEL!!! =p VIP tickets too!
Went there by bus with a few friends... it was drizzling then by 5.30pm. we got there around 6.15 ehhe...! the line to the entrance where long! all the way to the inside of 1utama! haha and guess wat? =p
we potong line hehhe... when the gates open, everyone rushed in... Its a mess! i heard they were waiting there since 4pm coz its free standing lolx.. and i got a great view too =)
we weren't late after all .
Before everything started. Deejay Fuzz was there to hit on the crowds with a remix of all the artistes including Lady Gaga, Pitbull and alot more... it helped in setting the crowds' mood for the coming band =) Some of them where dancing all the way. they really had alotta fun dancing and poping under the rain =p
Lolx and then the rain got heavy and u can see lotta colorful umbrellas on haha. =p plus the music and people jumping and dancing, the umbrellas where like colorful moving mushrooms. But the guards made them put it down coz the stage is not really high up and the ones at the back are blocked.

Oh this is a DJ hahha... no idea wats his name but he's from he's cute in real life tho =p hahah. he started throwing guddy begs and Tokio Hotel shirts =)
The concert started off about 7pm with Pop Shuvit as the opening... The Rap-rock band together with Moots on vocals and their members sang 3 songs of their own to bring the crowd up!

JD! the Chinese dude played really well that night along with Marshall amp! We were all Shuvit-ed!

CUTE RUDY Hahah... =p He totally smash the drums that day!
Oh and guess wat? Moots the vocalist jumped ON the crowd! omg! its so kewl that he did that.. haha the securities where all around haha... the gurls scream like crazy for them =p
BUCKFACE Live In Malaysia
The Malaysian Rock band came up next with their fuzzy hair haha... =p with Golden haired Sam as the vocalist and guitarist, and crazy volumed up hairdo, the bass guitarist and backup vocalist Youk together with Paan the lead guitarist and drummer Ejam.

Together, they performed 3 songs too! including the well known Mara bahaya from KL drift which keep the crowd going screaming all the time.
During 1 of the slow song, i dun rmb wats the tittle but people luv it alot =p
The mic kinda got shut down.. the crowd where boo-ing... but they didnt noe!
OMG and the technicians didnt do anything about it! how embarasing is that! plus they waited untill the song ended then the vocalist realized he said " What? You guys cant hear me? Do you want some more?!"
Vocalist then took out his water gun and played around =)
TOKIO HOTEL Live In MalaysiaThe band went off and guess wat? its the TOKIO HOTEL turn!!! =)
But deejay Fuzz came up and started playing some songs... it lasted for like AN HOUR! Imagine waiting for the Tokios for sooooo long. Most of the people where sitting down and the mood werent there untill Deejay played JUSTIN BIEBER's BABY! and the gurls including me jumped up straight and started screaming! hahah JUSTIN is just unbelievable =)
anyway... waited and waited till 9pm i guess... and we heard the strings being strummed and its the TOKIO HOTEL!

The German band came out together with super great amount of white fog around the stage!

Bill Kaulitz the vocalist omg! he's just soooo pretty! yes pretty! he's fair and tall and *skinny* yea skinny ... read again... very skinny! he looked like an anorexic. He really gives a rush of adrenaline especially for the gurls who shouted and screamed the hell outta them (I was one of them =)) He realy pulled out the look of the MJackson black top with golden long strings =) and those awesome dark mohawky style! so cute!!! and the the the eyes! tones of make-up there... Just like Adam Lambert =p hopefully Bill's not gay =p

Singging walls behind my walls =p
He swayed his mic stand around holding his blink blink white mic. waved and smiled at the crowd.. sometimes i felt like he's looking at me haha..

Bill's identical brother, Tom were on the guitars that night... they were that identical that night... with the awesome fingers of Tom's that strike on the strings were awesome! and his pleated hair haha... cute too!

George Listing the bassist kept swinging his awesome straight blonde hair haha... and Gustav Schafer as the drummer wore a simple white singlet as the Chinese here say the *Fried Kuey Teow uncle style*. Scroll up and u can see him in the 1st picture.
The band ended with Monsoon =p awesome song ! it was around 1030 then =)
Bill's eyeliner stayed on haha.. wonder wat brand he uses! haha
The concert were awesome!
just that theres a too big gap between bands like the All American Rejects (AAR) concert last year.
Next up! PITBULL in Genting ! =p