Video Game Fanatic Hunts Down and Stabs Rival Player

Monday, May 31, 2010 | | 0 comments »
A French video game fanatic hunted down and stabbed a rival player who had killed his character in an online war game.

Julien Barreaux, 20, told police he wanted to see his rival player "wiped out" after his character in the game Counter-Strike died in a virtual knife fight.

A court in Cambrai, northern France, heard how Barreaux plotted revenge for seven months after the online "killing" last November.

He then located the victim, named only as Mikhael, several miles from his home.

When the man answered the door, he plunged a kitchen knife into his chest, missing his heart by less than an inch, a police officer told the court.

He added: "Barreaux was arrested within the hour and told us he had wanted to see his rival wiped out for killing off his character."

Barreaux was jailed for two years for causing grievous bodily harm, and ordered to undergo psychiatric tests and anger management therapy.

Judge Alexiane Potel told him: "You are a menace to society. I am frankly terrified of the disproportionate reaction you could have if someone looked at you the wrong way in the street."

See the way new technology affects people's behavior and attitude. Obsession can really lead to distortion, am I right?

Funeral - English

Sunday, May 30, 2010 | | 0 comments »

This is from the thinkfamily thing...and this ads is about after MRS.Lee talk about her dead husband,MR.Lee's funeral. The way she talk is bit humuor i think :) but behind the sentences still bring some messages...

The imperfections make them perfect.
Enjoy :)

Youth '10

Friday, May 28, 2010 | | 0 comments »
Malaysia is having another largest youth festival and that is called Youth '10. Happens three days only from May 28th-30th May 2010. Since today's Friday and the first day of this event was amazing. So lemme tell you a little bit about what was going on at there.

So at the Discovery Festival, there were like a lot of creative games and art exhibitions/booths going on and one of my favorite booths was the Juxta booth. Known as Azeem, ex-UiTM student who used to study architecture three years ago is in love with art and at his booth, there were so many pastel and oil drawings from hard boards to stones and also a very classic walkman.

azeem's artworks

Besides that, it has Youth Photographer of 2010. Just pay RM2 and you can stand a chance to win RM500 if you pose and post the best picture of yourself to Xtra! :)

Back at Shopping Festival ~ there are so many booths from clothes to shoes to books to accessories and so on! You can bargain and prices can be negotiated. If you know how to deal with the sellers, you might just get as well good price from RM40 to RM20!

At the sport section, they provide such games like foosball, futsal and basketball too.I didn't much pay attention on that section because it wasn't my favorite spot.

sports section

Dance and Music festival will begin tomorrow starting at 10am to 10pm. So guys, you still have the chance to catch all these good activities with your buddies! You might stand to win prizes from any of the booths as long you participate with their games. Have fun!

Italy Launches Foetus in Cocktail Glass Poster to Stop Women from Drinking

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 | | 2 comments »

We are doing Advertising for this semester, right? I just want to show you guys a new campaign being launched in Italy. For me, it's kinda weird or maybe even disgusting for some. The advertising campaign carries the message "When mom drinks, baby drinks too". Basically it is a health warning by the government to prevent women from drinking. Have a look at this poster:

It actually shows a foetus in a curled up position in the bottom of the glass. Is this simply creativity or what? I find it kinda lack of humanism though, to put a foetus in that position. But I am not the only one saying that because the governor of the Veneto region ( where the campaign is being carried out ) critics the poster by saying that it portrays a distorted image of women and in particularly expecting mother. And seriously, this poster can just scares people off. But at least, it can make people to look at it and actually response to it. So, is it a good ad, or a bad ad?

You can read more about this here.

Being Fat is Illegal in Japan

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 | | 0 comments »
Have you guys seen this news yet? Basically it's about being fat is illegal in Japan. Take a look at the video to know more.

I personally think it's a good thing for the Japanese because, look at their meal! It's possible for them to cut down weight; but if it's for the Malaysian's case, I don't think everyone would be happy about that. Why? Look at our meal! Cheers! :D

My new blog!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 | | 4 comments » relink please.thanks!:)

Gray is Dead.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 | | 2 comments »

april 8th 1972 - may 24 2010

To all metalheads, once again I'm telling you another death story but this time from the world's famous metal band from Iowa. Slipknot's bassist was found dead in a hotel room at Town Plaza Hotel in Urbandale.

Paul Gray, 38 was found dead by the hotel employee, police said.

Gray, also known as The Pig and #2 in his band was the best bassist for the Award-winning metal band Slipknot. His death is still under investigation.

Murphy's Widower Dies at the Age 39.

Monday, May 24, 2010 | | 0 comments »

simon monjack & brittany murphy

14 minutes ago, updated me with the latest news about Simon Monjack, late Brittany Murphy's widower dies at the age of 39. According to Sgt. Louie Lozano, the cause of his death is natural causes.

Monjack was found dead by his mother-in-law in his home at Hollywood Hills last yesterday (23/5/2010) night (9.46PM Central America)

No drugs were found in the house.

Write The Future : Nike World Cup Commercial

Monday, May 24, 2010 | | 0 comments »

My brother was talking to my mum about this commercial that apparently was on the TV- if not mistaken before the Champions League Finals- I watched it and its pretty interesting and funny too. It's mainly about the 'what if'. What if they missed the goal? What if they managed to tackle the opponent to save the goal? What if the penalty kick was a success? It revolves around the players from different countries. And the commercial plays along Nike World Cup 2010 tagline... Write The Future.

I think this commercial is basically promoting the brand. Since it's much more of the image of the players with the brand and hardly on the product.

Personally, my favourite part of the commercial is Rooney's part. xD

Check it out.

meaningful advertisement

Sunday, May 23, 2010 | | 3 comments »
This advertisement is really meaningful. It doesn't contain any dialogues but it can completely show the main point in it.
have a look :)

making of happydent city light

Friday, May 21, 2010 | | 0 comments »
Last few days miss Nalena let us to watch a tv ads(happy dent chewing gum) and it still fresh in my mind. Whenever i walk to a dark places,i really ask myself "how good if i have happy dent now..."

it's really interesting and when i came back home i search on youtube and watch it again..hahaha!funny! and here i want to share the making of the's really a lot of work! a lot of effort and hardwork just to produce a 50sec? ads...applause to them!!

Nostalgic. I Know.

Friday, May 21, 2010 | | 0 comments »

Does anyone remember the cartoon Sky Dancers or even the toys? Yes I do. And it was the most expensive toys in Singapore back in 1990s (besides Barbie and Hot Wheels). While I was youtubing ads for our Advertising class this Tuesday (well previous post, two of my classmates posted ads already), I wish I were in 1990s. I missed the moment I play Sky Dancers with my dad at the beach and the kids park. My brother and I used to have one each. Isn't that awesome? And below here is the video of Sky Dancers commercial:-

And I don't think they sell this toy anymore. Even so, it won't be the same like how I used to have in the late 1990s. Anyway, old commercials are nostalgic for me!

More Print Ads!

Friday, May 21, 2010 | | 4 comments »
i shall update something before i get screwed up

so, since cecilia suggested that (post some ads up)
here goes more print ads!

i suppose you get what it meant for the ads above...
if you don't look at the woman in the and you'll know

i dont think this needs anymore explainations

and this is the ads that i really like it...
simple yet's CD cases for you information~
pretty cool huh

and since i am doing "women portrayal in alcohol ads" for research paper
this is one of the beer ads i found

another random thing...
i was thinking...isn't it good to have a chatbox on the side bar? so that people can chat around there? well, it's just a little suggestion :D


Friday, May 21, 2010 | | 0 comments »

hey! since we are taking advertising this semester, i suggest we can actually post up different forms of advertisements (tv ads, print ads.. ) and diff types of them (direct response, non-profit, brand ads etc).. then we get to see more with the help of each other... =)..
still remember christy posted up before a few creative automobile ads in this post which i really think the ads were pretty cool.. lol..

let me start off with a few creative ads kie~

this is the ads of a job recruiting company in Berlin, Germany.

the ads of penline tape.

ads of battery

ads by Zurich Zoo

and LAST one!
the ads that ask u to WEAR A SEAT BELT!

have a nice day!


Robot Conduct Japanese Wedding

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 | | 0 comments »
We all know that the technology nowadays is running berserk but to actually entrusting one's happiness to the technology, I guess Japan would be the first. Look at this news. I find it quite interesting :) The difference of culture and the different lifestyles in different countries sometimes really help in opening our eyes :D

The wedding took place at a restaurant in Hibiya Park in central Tokyo, where the I-Fairy, a four foot robot, wore a wreath of flowers and directed a rooftop ceremony. Wires led out from beneath it to a black curtain a few feet away, where a man crouched and clicked commands into a computer.

Japan has one of the most advanced robotics industries in the world, with the government actively supporting the field for future growth. Industrial models in factories are now standard, but recently Japanese companies are making a push to inject robots into everyday life.

Honda makes a walking child-shaped robot, and other firms have developed them to entertain the elderly or play baseball. Kokoro, whose corporate goal is to "touch the hearts of the people," also makes giant dinosaur robots for exhibitions and lifelike android models that can smile and laugh. The company is a subsidiary of Sanrio Co., which owns the rights to Hello Kitty and other Japanese characters.

"This was a lot of fun. I think that Japanese have a strong sense that robots are our friends. Those in the robot industry mostly understand this, but people mainly want robots near them that serve some purpose," said bride Satoko Inoue, 36, who works at manufacturer Kokoro, who made the robot.

"It would be nice if the robot was a bit more clever, but she is very good at expressing herself," said new husband Tomohiro Shibata, 42, a professor of robotics at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology in central Japan.

The I-Fairy sells for about 6.3 million yen (£47,000) and three are in use in Singapore, the U.S. and Japan, according to company spokesman Kayako Kido.

Source :

You can watch the video of the conduction of the wedding from the source :)

The robot is kinda cute anyway haha! But it really surprised me on how the Japanese actually see robots as their friends in the life. This shows the advanced technology in Japan to the extent that the Japanese are so familiar with these high-tech equipments to even trust them enough to take part in the deciding the happiness of their life. If you have the chance, would you allow a robot to conduct your wedding? If I have the chance, I would :D

Goodbye, Metalhead.

Monday, May 17, 2010 | | 0 comments »

legendary man

To whom that love metal and underground music, they might have heard the latest news about Ronnie James (Ronald James Padavona). Padavona lose his battle with stomach cancer at the age of 67 yesterday (May 16 2010). Padavona, who was born on July 10 1942 was a songwriter and also a heavy metal vocalist for Elf, Rainbow, Black Sabbath, Heaven & Hell and his own band - Dio.

Apparently, Padavona made a comeback & collaborated with Black Sabbath under Heaven & Hell's moniker for their new album The Devil You Know which was released last year April 2009 and due to Padavona's health, the band had to cancel their tour across the Europe.

May you rest in peace, metalhead \m/

Maury Show - 15 Year Old has had sex OVER 300 Times!!

Monday, May 17, 2010 | | 4 comments »
was browsing through blogs from nuffnang and i found this!!!!!!!!

OMG!!! like seriously what is this??? she wants a baby when she is only 15?
ok that is not the major problem..

the problems are, first of all, she only thinks that the toys, the clothes and some of the stuff that is needed for an infant!
note: i assume whatever the girl is preparing for her baby is enough only at the stage of a baby and max till the stage of child (aged 3 to 5) only!
what about school fees? what about the money for the milk powder? what about the other expenses such as medical fees, insurance and so on???
i seriously wonder did she ever come across these problems that she has to overcome in the future?

and very important thing... will the baby accept the fact that his/her mother had sex with 15 guys, over 300 times UNPROTECTED-ly just to get him/her?? frankly speaking, if it was me, i really cannot accept...

i actually pity this girl... in the sense that, she somehow ruin her own life with her thinking... its like, am not saying that she is childish.. ok she somehow is.. because she never thought of the circumstances on what she did to get a baby.. and she definitely used the wrong and the WORST way to get a baby...

it is SO SO SO wrong that she had sex in the public.. having sex in the public increases the chances of having a baby? HELL NO! i bet it is either she and the guy have no money to get a room or they were just seeking excitement...-.-..

as a conclusion, i guess she have ZERO idea about the all responsibilities of being a mother!

is she to blame? any comment?

Su Ann: Another Quote!

Friday, May 14, 2010 | | 1 comments
"There is nothing to writing.
All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."

-- Ernest Hemingway

p/s: yika was right. Robin Hood was extremely anti-climatic, borderline on boring. Reminiscent of LOTR, like an epic movie. But Russell Crowe, FTW! :D see you guys next monday!

Robin Hood - In My Opinion

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 | | 0 comments »

Robin Hood

So I watched the premiere of Robin Hood three hours ago with my MySpace friends. Truth to be told, I felt a little disappointed with the climax of the story. It is a hundred-forty-five minutes show but yet I can only feel Longstride's strength at the end of the story.

Robert Loxely, a knight and also Lady Marion's husband dies in the hand of Godfrey and Robert asks Robin to send back the sword that he used to take from his father when he was mad. Soon then, slowly the climax tells what happens in Nottingham and so on. Another sad case - Robert's dad; Sir Walter Loxely too - dies in Godfrey's hand.

I don't really like the beginning of the story but somehow it shows how selfish King John is towards England.

Anyway, I do not want to be a spoiler for Roley Scott's new movie. Enjoy the movie!

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 | | 0 comments »

Awesome!! Nightmare on Elm Street night yesterday with whole bunch of bloggers =)
Free movie passes to Midvaley's *freezing* cinema on 11/05/2010

Was hmmm... it was as scary as i expected.
It's more towards UNINVITED than SAW =)
The difference is everytime Freddy pops out, awwwh! thats the best part of the whole movie lol.
seriously! Eventho u noe he's gona appear suddenly plus the background sound effects that adds the greatest amount of adrenaline on you.Its like Jaws u noe? haha when the jaw swims out haha can u imagine? no? then watch Elm street! =p
Neway, theres two guys siting behind me lol and everytime Freddy pops out, They will pop up too =) and u noe wat, i got scared by them more ahah.. its like Freddy is there omg!
it got annoying tho but oh well, wat to do. =)
the actors where really good, especially Quientin the panic look on the face was awesome.
and Nancy aww shes pretty! and Kris is omg! theres 1 part where she's sooo omg! discusting but shes an awesome blonde =p
the other guy, forgot his name, not Jesse, another guy! haha he's cute. Reminds me of Edward in Twilight how he finds Kris tru the window =)
The make-up for Freddy was like a Malaysian kuih, i duno wat is it called but its yellowish, around 5cm long, made outta egg and has like the fishnet kinda look. i ate it with Dhal the last time... wait leme google it later =p
The crowd was damn tention the whole time and u'll never never fall asleep in this movie.
it helps your blood circulation even better lol.. all the heart attacks the movie gave me lolx =p
oh and theres this part where we can only hear Kris's breathing while shes walking in an unknown place, the whole cinema was sooo quite for that few seconds lol and i think its not a few seconds, its like maybe 10 sec? haha and you can hear ppl around like laughing and theres ppl who screams: BOO! haha all waiting for that moment .. it was soo intense that time lol.
Haha its a moment to remember =p
Oh well, coulnt tell much, you guys gota watch it to experience it =)
The ending scared the shit outta me! haha good one Samuel Bayar
this was copied directly from my blog.
sry but the 1st expression is always the best =p

MUST WATCH... its awesome! i sleep well that night tho =p so no worries gurls

Su Ann: Anybody Home?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 | | 0 comments »
short update!

i know it's the holidays and all, but where have all the bloggers gone? :P

anyways, finally saw Ironman 2 yesterday.

thought it was pretty boring and anti-climax. ratings: 6.5/10. ... HOWEVER, Tony Stark was exceptionally cocky and confident as usual. SEXY MUCH! ;)

also caught Ip Man 2 (always used to pronounce it as Ai-Pee Men, haha! my chinese epic fail).

also thought it was just so-so, but i suppose that's because the first movie was so much better. meh. my mother reckons it was too violent :P


okay that's all :P

bye :)

Erica Blasberg Found Dead.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 | | 1 comments

Erica Blasberg

A twenty-five year old golfer, Erica Blasberg was found dead by her father in her home on early Sunday at Nevada said his daughter's death is "very, very strange".

At first he thought Erica might have taken her own life but when he looked again, it wasn't. And something might have made her taken her own life. Also, this investigation is on pending since he's waiting for the police to make a full investigation over it.

"Either way, I lost her and it’s impossible to deal with." said Mel Blasberg.

Erica was named Golfweek’s 2003 Player of the Year after finishing the season No. 1 in the rankings. The California native turned professional in June 2004, posting four top-10s in eight starts on the Duramed Futures Tour, including a victory at the Lacona Savings Bank Futures Golf Classic. She qualified for the LPGA later that fall.

Capitalism: A Love Story by Michael Moore.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 | | 0 comments »
I respect Michael Moore because of so many reasons. One of them is his style of film making. This man is truly the man of the people. Capitalism: A Love Story is his latest work, if I'm not mistaken.

It is a must-see documentary.

"There ain't no power like the power of the people and the power of the people won't stop."

a must watch in May 2010!

Monday, May 3, 2010 | | 2 comments »

this movie is awesome!!
watched it with friends in One Utama yesterday..
got free ticket from GSC so yea..

it was really an awesome piece!
the different types of kung fu (Chinese Martial Art) were nicely choreographed and yes! well presented by Donnie Yan and Sammo Hung!
Donnie Yan is the master of Wing Chun where Sammo Hung is the master of Hung Kuen..

if you are a fan of Chinese martial art, i seriously don't see a point for u to miss this movie..
if you are a fan of movie..
then this movie is something that u can never miss too!

go watch it ppl!
the movie definitely worth the price of RM11...
GSC might be a better choice for sound system? i guess?

oh ya!
what about iron man 2?
has anyone watched it?
is it nice?
do write about it okay?


Sunday, May 2, 2010 | | 0 comments »
Awesome 3-some Live in Malaysia

Special guesss TOKIO HOTEL

I got free tickets to TOKIO HOTEL!!! =p VIP tickets too!
Went there by bus with a few friends... it was drizzling then by 5.30pm. we got there around 6.15 ehhe...! the line to the entrance where long! all the way to the inside of 1utama! haha and guess wat? =p
we potong line hehhe... when the gates open, everyone rushed in... Its a mess! i heard they were waiting there since 4pm coz its free standing lolx.. and i got a great view too =)
we weren't late after all .

Before everything started. Deejay Fuzz was there to hit on the crowds with a remix of all the artistes including Lady Gaga, Pitbull and alot more... it helped in setting the crowds' mood for the coming band =) Some of them where dancing all the way. they really had alotta fun dancing and poping under the rain =p

Lolx and then the rain got heavy and u can see lotta colorful umbrellas on haha. =p plus the music and people jumping and dancing, the umbrellas where like colorful moving mushrooms. But the guards made them put it down coz the stage is not really high up and the ones at the back are blocked.
Oh this is a DJ hahha... no idea wats his name but he's from he's cute in real life tho =p hahah. he started throwing guddy begs and Tokio Hotel shirts =)


The concert started off about 7pm with Pop Shuvit as the opening... The Rap-rock band together with Moots on vocals and their members sang 3 songs of their own to bring the crowd up!

JD! the Chinese dude played really well that night along with Marshall amp! We were all Shuvit-ed!

CUTE RUDY Hahah... =p He totally smash the drums that day!
Oh and guess wat? Moots the vocalist jumped ON the crowd! omg! its so kewl that he did that.. haha the securities where all around haha... the gurls scream like crazy for them =p

BUCKFACE Live In Malaysia

The Malaysian Rock band came up next with their fuzzy hair haha... =p with Golden haired Sam as the vocalist and guitarist, and crazy volumed up hairdo, the bass guitarist and backup vocalist Youk together with Paan the lead guitarist and drummer Ejam.

Together, they performed 3 songs too! including the well known Mara bahaya from KL drift which keep the crowd going screaming all the time.
During 1 of the slow song, i dun rmb wats the tittle but people luv it alot =p
The mic kinda got shut down.. the crowd where boo-ing... but they didnt noe!
OMG and the technicians didnt do anything about it! how embarasing is that! plus they waited untill the song ended then the vocalist realized he said " What? You guys cant hear me? Do you want some more?!"
Vocalist then took out his water gun and played around =)

TOKIO HOTEL Live In Malaysia

The band went off and guess wat? its the TOKIO HOTEL turn!!! =)
But deejay Fuzz came up and started playing some songs... it lasted for like AN HOUR! Imagine waiting for the Tokios for sooooo long. Most of the people where sitting down and the mood werent there untill Deejay played JUSTIN BIEBER's BABY! and the gurls including me jumped up straight and started screaming! hahah JUSTIN is just unbelievable =)
anyway... waited and waited till 9pm i guess... and we heard the strings being strummed and its the TOKIO HOTEL!

The German band came out together with super great amount of white fog around the stage!

Bill Kaulitz the vocalist omg! he's just soooo pretty! yes pretty! he's fair and tall and *skinny* yea skinny ... read again... very skinny! he looked like an anorexic. He really gives a rush of adrenaline especially for the gurls who shouted and screamed the hell outta them (I was one of them =)) He realy pulled out the look of the MJackson black top with golden long strings =) and those awesome dark mohawky style! so cute!!! and the the the eyes! tones of make-up there... Just like Adam Lambert =p hopefully Bill's not gay =p

Singging walls behind my walls =p
He swayed his mic stand around holding his blink blink white mic. waved and smiled at the crowd.. sometimes i felt like he's looking at me haha..
Bill's identical brother, Tom were on the guitars that night... they were that identical that night... with the awesome fingers of Tom's that strike on the strings were awesome! and his pleated hair haha... cute too!
George Listing the bassist kept swinging his awesome straight blonde hair haha... and Gustav Schafer as the drummer wore a simple white singlet as the Chinese here say the *Fried Kuey Teow uncle style*. Scroll up and u can see him in the 1st picture.
The band ended with Monsoon =p awesome song ! it was around 1030 then =)
Bill's eyeliner stayed on haha.. wonder wat brand he uses! haha
The concert were awesome!
just that theres a too big gap between bands like the All American Rejects (AAR) concert last year.
Next up! PITBULL in Genting ! =p