
Has anyone heard about the BP station incident?
Well, I heard it goes a little something like this.., there was a car crash including a MyVi car. A malay girl was stuck in the car and a man from outside saw a spark igniting. Therefore, like the good citizen he was, he decided he had to do something about it and he ran to the nearest BP station around 500 meters away to get a fire extinguisher. Upon reaching the station, the two workers did not allow him to take the extinguishers, even after he said he would leave his I.C. with them and he would be back. Therefore, after trying everything he could, they still did not allow it because according to them, the management does not allow it and if they lose one tank of it, it will cost them a lot. This angered the helpless man, so he rushed back to the scene upon cursing the workers and realized the police and fire department officials were there already. The poor girl was burning alive and he could hear her helpless screams. The man was so disappointed and angered by the workers actions that he planned to boycott BP stations anywhere.


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